Baller by Nevada McPherson - Novel - Series: Book 3
Citrus Springs by Paige Johnson - Illustrated Poetry
The Absence of Death by Jack Moody - Stories
Elegies in the Dust - Charity Anthology
Bitter Fruit by L. G. Thomson - Memoir
Kill Factor by Brian Bowyer - Novella
The Hard Road by Brendan Heneghan - Novel
The Marshmallow Show is Cancelled by Debby Regan - Novella
Put Out The Lights & Cry: Diner Noir Curated by Craig Clevenger - Anthology
Percocet Summer by Paige Johnson - Illustrated Poetry
Mirrors Reflecting Shadows - Charity Anthology
Shadows Slow Dancing in Derelict Rooms by Stephen J. Golds - Novella
God's Speedboat by Max Sheridan - Novel
Compulsive Swim by Austin Davis - Illustrated Poetry
Cabrones Perros by Manny Torres - Novel
Half-Empty Doorways & Other Injuries by Stephen J. Golds - Illustrated Poetry
Cracker by Nevada McPherson - Novel - Series: Book 2
Lotus & The Apocalypse by Austin Davis - Illustrated Poetry
Modernist Dreams Brutalist Nightmares by L. G. Thomson - Memoir
Girl of the Oil Sands by I.L. Green - Novel
SlxtVxmit 2: An Anthology of SexWork - eBook
Baller by Nevada McPherson - eBook
Citrus Springs by Paige Johnson - Poetry eBook
The Greatest Show on Earth: A Short Story by Sebastian Vice - eBook
The Absence of Death by Jack Moody - eBook
Elegies in the Dust - Anthology eBook
Bitter Fruit by L. G. Thomson - eBook
Kill Factor by Brian Bowyer - eBook
Love Drunk: A Short Story by Paige Johnson - eBook
The Hard Road by Brendan Heneghan - eBook
The Marshmallow Show Is Cancelled by Debby Regan - eBook
Put Out The Lights and Cry curated by Craig Clevenger - Diner Noir eBook
Percocet Summer by Paige Johnson - Poetry eBook
Mirrors Reflecting Shadows - Anthology eBook
Shadows Slow Dancing by Stephen J. Golds - eBook
Cabrones Perros by Manny Torres - eBook
God's Speedboat by Max Sheridan - eBook
The Blue Hour: A Short Story by Paige Johnson - eBook
Cracker by Nevada McPherson - eBook
Compulsive SWIM by Austin Davis - Poetry eBook