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Anxiety Press, Outcast Press, and Roi Fainéant Press have teamed up to curate an anthology with proceeds going towards The Trevor Project. For 20+ years, The Trevor Project has worked tirelessly on suicide prevention among LGBTQ+ youth, who are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than their peers (Johns et al., 2019, 2020).

This collection of 34 stories is as diverse as the community it supports. Comprised of personal essays, supernatural fiction, fairy tales, romance, noir, and dirty realism to name a few, Mirrors Reflecting Shadows shows MCs searching for acceptance in worlds sometimes fantastical but always relatable in its alienation, murky morals, grime and splendor.

Characters include ghosts and gods, contract killers and CPS investigators, card counters and coke dealers, palace gaurds and hen wranglers, suicidal sons and conflicted parents, priests and thieves, wizards and roadies--and that's just a flash of what resides in this pivitol looking glass.

1. The Brief Reflection of a 46-Year-Old Queer, Thus Far by Jarrod Campbell
2. The Reaper by Sadee Bee
3. Lady in Waiting by Friedrich Sarah E. Thompson
4. Things That Might Happen On The Way There by D.W. White
5. A Dream Beyond Sorrow by Sebastian Vice
6. Champagne Moment Blown to Shit by Nathan Pettigrew
7. Unfound by Steve Passey
8. And I Shall Send Down My Vengeance Upon Thee by Jay Parr
9. The Hen Butts Out Her Cig and Says, "All Over Now" by Karen Walker
10. The Music Inside by BF Jones
11. Ate by Max Turner
12. It All Ends With A Bang by Astra Crompton
13. Ugly Missy by Andrew Rucker Jones
14. The Attic by C.N. Martin
15. Drawing Out Leviathan by Daniel David Froid
16. Like Baked Alaska by Francesca Leader
17. Freya Goes Viral by Bev Vincent
18. The Barking in Room Seventeen by Barlow Adams
19. Out Of Spark by Justin Lee
20. Lizards and Other Varmints by Shari Held
21. The Something-Whimsical of Firstname Lastname by Claire Humphrey
22. Jack the Greek by Avra Margariti
23. Deep and Dark by Kevin M. Folliard
24. If You Put It On by Die Booth
25. After You by Sophie Kearing
26. On Being Born Again by M.C. Schmidt
27. Vivien’s Heir by Alicia K. Anderson
28. EARLY RISER by David Lee Zweifler
29. I Remember Jenny Stax by Scott Laudati
30. Transfer, Emphasis On Trans by Jennifer Lee Rossman
31. Summoning Sin by Lauren Theresa
32. Anne of the In-Between by Joshuwawa Maza
33. Snow on Miami Beach by Paige Johnson
34. Out of the Earth by Cody Sexton

Mirrors Reflecting Shadows - Charity Anthology

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